Monday, April 15, 2013

Frustrations at Work

As I sit here and read over my e-mails at work, I have this one person who works for one of our clients and  who just so happened to work where I work now, I cant help but wonder how people get off talking to others the way she does.... Well let me back up here and start from the beginning..

So I started working as a temp last July at a survey company (I absolutely love my job), it was only supposed to be for 4-6 weeks, that turned in to 8 weeks and upon me being here for 3 weeks I was asked if I would perhaps like to stay on full time if it could be arranged. I went home and thought upon it and talked with my husband on it and decided that if the offer was right I would love to stay and we could do so many more things with the dual income.... Well the girl who I was temping for made it clear that I was just a temp and so on so forth, so did the girl who I could absolutely do with out on a daily basis. Well 10 weeks later the girl decided she could "finally" come back to work. The arrangement I had made was that once she took the settlement offer to leave that I would come back... It took roughly 8 business days for this to be worked out.... Well lord and behold both girls are friends, go figure.

The first girl who used to work here hired the new girl who, well lets just say didn't tell the truth about her being pregnant and what not to the owner, was working for not even 6 full months before she took maternity leave and in I came as a temp. Which is was I fully intended on being until I was approached with an offer I couldn't have refused.

Ever since the day her friend left it has been a nightmare... everything has turned from being her fault to somehow being mine and she is trying to deliberately get me in trouble with my boss and lets just say she has a very terse tongue that is going to ultimately get her into trouble. I have received e-mails monthly about my inadequacy of doing my job and being unprofessional to reply to her demeaning e-mails. Well after the first 10 of them our boss's had a sit down and it didn't end well for her. She had a un-paid day off to think about her attitude and could return with an apology and to not let it happen again... Well the apology e-mail was more of a blame it on her boyfriend and her "personal" issues... Blah Blah Blah...

Here we go into round 2 of the countless demeaning e-mails and now slamming other people we do business for and using her knowledge gained in our office to slam our customers and make her company seem so much better... well with attitudes like that, your company made a HUGE mistake in hiring you (personally saying). If I ever dared to talk to a client/customer the way she talks to just me, I would be fired no questions asked. I don't know what I have done besides take her friends job, which was given to me, I did not make the decision to let someone go I was simply doing my job and apparently it was better then the job she had been doing, apparently that has made her blood boil so bad but I am over it. I want to write her the most horrible e-mail and send everything to her boss and say look what she is saying and how she is saying it. I am ready to take a personal day at work and go home and de-frustrate before I call over and have a little talk myself with her boss and out her for all her B.S... Not to mention countless times I have saved her so called "ass" with thing she forgot or ordered doubly.

As some point I can understand that you may feel like you have "domain" over such a positions or company but if you no longer work there and have no intentions on returning why do you care and put so much effort into making someone look bad when they have done nothing wrong? I have had talks with my boss over this and he handled it the first time and I am certain he will handle it again. I don't want to get people fired or in trouble but when you work for a company and you are nobody important there then you shouldn't be doing this, you make that company look horrible and you just are plain ugly your self.

A word to the wise, the welfare line will get one person longer in the near future and it wont be me.

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