Tuesday, January 15, 2013


As a mother I have learned that kids can be a major blessing but at the same time they can be a lot of work. I am super blessed to have a very spirited, opinionated, loving and emotional child. She will go from being happy one minute to flopping on the ground in a fit the next.

Kaiya has been trying to be a mommy herself, one of her favorite things to do is to put her diapers on her baby dolls (even though her baby dolls have their own diapers). When the diaper wont fit correctly she comes and asks for help by throwing the baby in your face and holding the diaper, however once you get the diaper on the doll she takes it right off and wants it put back on them. I guess she will make a good babysitter one day.
She also loves cars and her kitchen, tom boy and girly girl all in one. We recently purchased her a basketball hoop for her birthday and she enjoys dunking the ball in it. We also just recently rearranged her room so that her bed is in the middle of her room and is only on one wall, we are hoping she will learn to sleep in it and not against the wall (she does have the mesh rails on it to keep her from falling off).
We cannot believe how fast she is growing and learning and accomplishing to be independent and at the same time dependent on us for different things. We are proud parents even when she is driving us crazy!

Our close friends here in Virginia just welcomed a new baby boy into there family last night, we are praying for a very fast recovery for mom and baby and hope to see them soon.

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