Friday, December 28, 2012

Over Spending

Now that we have to go and purchase a new vehicle things just seem to be more expensive. How is it that you can not find a decent car for a decent price that wont raise your insurance up 100.00 every month. Maybe it is the fact that Cody wants certain cars that are fast and have parts on them so they are more to insure, what ever happened to a good reliable family car and then a project car? How come everything has to be fast and have aftermarket parts and things like that. I might be the only one but I want something factory that gets good gas mileage that I dont have to worry about things getting stolen from it....
However that case may be, we can not agree/find a car that we are both willing to purchase and pay for. Everyone has a budget on what they can and cant afford, I dont feel comfortable outside of that budget even though we both work full time I want to be able to survive on one income. Call me crazy but with us being military we can always just get moved when ever and then we wont have that 2nd income coming in and then how do you afford bills? I do not know how some families feel that it is ok to run up credit cards and max out loans just to live a "certain" lifestyle. Being a military wife I have found that the army has amazing programs (like the commissary) that offer you things at a cheaper rate or a tax free rate. Some of the specialty shops do cost more then others but thats a way of life. I cant justify buying the same gallon of milk from a grocery store for 4.00 a gallon when I can get it at the commissary for 2.05 a gallon (or less). I see it all the time through friends or acquaintances who complain about bills and have to go and splurge everything on payday because thats when the have the money for groceries for 2 weeks and they go out to eat all weekend and come the next week they have nothing in the account or pantry because they cant budget money..
It has taken me a lot of years and a very difficult financial period to be wise and not overspend what you make. Hopefully my family will continue to keep striving and saving and staying on budget for a while. My goal is to have at least 6 months of living expenses in a separate account for emergencies... Wish me luck!

Anyways thats my rant as far as not being smart with money and over spending.... This weekend we will be cracking down on finding a car that is right for our family and for Cody and our budget.... I can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst....

Have a blessed Friday! Enjoy your weekend

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